My Birthday

img_2616Today’s my birthday! I feel like it’s almost customary to write a introspective post of reflection and wisdom when one turns another year older, or at the least compile a list of things one would like to achieve. I have to be honest – I’ve always had a strong sense of self, and whilst I’ve certainly grown and developed through my life (spoiler: that’s the point) I don’t feel a million miles away from the person I was a year ago, or five years ago, or ten years ago.

Last year was my first birthday following Pete’s death, and one of the other little crutches of my personal triumvirate (James) was away for the week, so things just felt at an absolute low. I’ve just racked the archives of this blog and I didn’t even acknowledge my birthday in the posts around that time which I think is quite telling. The previous year Pete gets a full mention despite my blog being in it’s infancy at the time and friends never made much of an appearance. It’s quite odd re-reading this post, I still feel connected to the excitement and joy I expressed for my birthday but it’s also quite poignant reading about my feelings towards my friends.

Without trying to get too philosophical or deep, I have kind of mixed feelings towards this birthday – for one thing, this is the closest to 30 I’ve ever been and secondly my job and life situations don’t appear to have really advanced much in the last couple of years. Perhaps that’s to be expected? I’ll be celebrating tomorrow – on Friday I have a gig followed by birthday drinks at The Others in Stoke Newington. I love performing, it’s a wicked venue and the line-up is super-varied and interesting – so come down if you want to join in and celebrate with me. Yay! Xx

28 thoughts on “My Birthday

  1. kameamoonmaiden says:

    I got that mixed up, so sorry you’ve had to experience such loss. Close to 30! My third born kid is gonna be 30 next month.

    I have mine and a few others poetry and prose at mostly mine. May your day be blessed.


  2. A Million Gingerisms says:

    Happy Birthday Laila!
    Have a great night on Friday, would totally come down for the gig but alas I am working sad face – maybe catch you at another gig or meet up at some point!

    Gem x


  3. spicepicable me says:

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY DEAR LAILA! Hope you’ll have all of your wishes come true and that you’ll celebrate surrounded with amazing people and create long lasting memories :D :* I’ll be in London for a week (yay, my first time there) two weeks from now, maybe we could meet for a pint :)


  4. Laura says:

    noo, i missed your birthday. but the happiest belated birthday! hope you are having and will have a wonderful time celebrating tonight! all the happiness and good things and birthday (and all year-round) fun to you, hehe! <3 xxx


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